
"Grâce à la liberté dans les communications, des groupes d’hommes de même nature pourront se réunir et fonder des communautés. Les nations seront dépassées" - Friedrich Nietzsche (Fragments posthumes XIII-883)

09 - JAN 13/14 - Interviews GMC (SkyNews/TVI/Jornal Noite/CdM

13.01.2009 - Accompagné par Edward Smethurst, le bras droit du milliardaire Brian Kennedy, Gerald MC arrive à Faro, loue une voiture et arrive à Lx où l'attendent son avocat portugais principal, Rogério Alves, et l'ambassadeur de Grande-Bretagne. Le fait que les deux hommesdescendent  dans un des plus luxueux hôtels (5 étoiles) de Lx fera jaser. Qui a payé ? Madeleine's Fund ? Cadeau de BK ? 
Motif de ce déplacement-surprise de 2 jours : ne pas laisser le dossier MMC s'empoussiérer dans les archives du ministère public de Portimão. Après avoir dénigré la requête de reconstitution faite par le parquet, après avoir tacitement, mais délibérément, écarté la possibilité de passer de la phase d'enquête à la phase d'instruction, les MC paradoxalement veulent à présent coopérer avec les autorités portugaises, explorer des pistes inconnues qui pourraient faire toute la différence ?  
Pour GMC, qui a précisé ne pas avoir l'intention d'assigner les Portugais en justice (car ce qui est fait est fait, la priorité est Madeleine)il y a des très bonnes chances pour que Madeleine soit trouvée vivante et en bonne santé et donc nous voulons continuer la recherche. Quand il s'est agi de poursuivre en justice GA, il n'y a pas eu de "ce qui est fait est fait" ni de priorité à Madeleine...
Nous souhaitons souligner notre désir de travailler avec les autorités autant que possible.  Bien que RA évoque des éléments mis à jour par les investigateurs privés, rien ne sera proposé au parquet (qui exige un élément nouveau pour rouvrir l'enquête). Derrière ce prétexte cousu de fil blanc, gît le vrai motif de la venue de GMC : des pourparlers avec une avocate spécialisée en diffamation, Isabel Duarte.
GMC de retour au Portugal 
14.01.2009 - Sky News
transcrit par Nigel Moore

GMC : Ahhh, well... I came back today really to meet with our adviser's, errr... including Rogério, errr... Alves to really discuss what can still be done in the ongoing search for Madeleine. Obviously we think there's a very, very good chance that Madeleine's still out there and can be found alive and well and, you know, obviously we wa... we want the search to go on really. I think there's, errr... information goes to, you know, different sources of potential sightings, they go to, errm... the British police, they go to foreign police, some people call us and I would ho..., you know, like any parent of a missing child, if information came through, all you would hope is that that information is followed up. If any information comes to us then clearly we... we follow it up and alert the authorities, errr... where appropriate. I won't talk about any, errr... any specific detail, to be honest, I think there's been far too much detail of the investigation in the media but, errr... you know, what we're really here to discuss is, errr... how we can work with the authorities to explore areas where other things can still be done that... that might make a difference and I think, errr... you know, this is the first visit that I'm here in, errr... Portugal but I expect it will be the first of, you know, several over the next few months.

Q : Do you plan to cooperate with the Portuguese authorities?
GMC : Of course.

Q : Do you, errr... maintain contact with them, with the Portuguese police, for instance?
GMC : Well, I think that the way, errr... we do that, certainly within the Portuguese system, is to do it through our... our lawyers. Errr... We've obviously had a meeting with the, errr... officials from the British Foreign Office today and we've had ongoing contact with, errr... you know, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, errr... since, you know, we're British and this occurred in Portugal and we've had, errr... ongoing contact with the... the British authorities as well, so, of course, we'll, you know, we'll do everything that we can to work with the authorities and that's what we very much want to emphasise, we want to work with the authorities as much as possible... in the ongoing search.

Q : Are you going... are you going to meet with, errr... Portuguese authorities...
GMC : Uhhh, we haven't...

Q : ... this time?
GMC : ... we haven't got anything specific planned at this point. This is very much my, errr... you know, the first visit over here and just to look and... and to try and get a scoping, errr... of what we can still do... really.

Q : Do... do you plan to... to take any legal actions, errr... against, errr... Portuguese authorities or Portuguese... any Portuguese media, for instance?
GMC : I think, you know, we want to make it absolutely clear what's gone on in the past is, by and large, done and we very, very much want to focus on what can still be done for the seach and that's... that's what our priority is and... and it always has been really so any of these things are just, you know, they're not really relevant at the minute. The purpose of this visit was to, errr... really look at what can still be done in the search, we want to be, you know, looking positively, not backwards - looking forwards. 'Cause, you know, we want to find our daughter. It's pretty simple really.

GMC pour TVI
transcrit par Nigel Moore
GMC : The purpose of this visit was to, errr... really look at what can still be done in the search, we want to be, you know, looking positively, not backwards - looking forwards. 'Cause, you know, we want to find our daughter. It's pretty simple really.
What we're really here to discuss is, errm... how we can work with the authorities to explore areas where other things can still be done that... that might make a difference and I think, errr... you know, this is the first visit that I'm here in, errr... Portugal but I expect it will be the first of several over the next few months.

Q : Do you plan to cooperate with the Portuguese authorities?
GMC : Of course, you know, we'll do everything that we can to work with the authorities and that's what we very much want to emphasise we want to work with the authorities, as much as possible, in the ongoing search.
I think, you know, we want to make it absolutely clear what's gone on in the past is, by and large, done and we very, very much want to focus on what can still be done for the seach and that's... that's what our priority is and... and it always has been really so any of these things are just, you know, they're not really relevant at the minute.

GMC pour le Téléjournal
Father of Maddie believes she may still be alive
transcrit par Nigel Moore
GMC : Errr... I came back today really to meet with our adviser's, errr... including Rogério, errr... Alves to really discuss what can still be done in the ongoing search for Madeleine.
Obviously we think there's a very, very good chance that Madeleine's still out there and can be found alive and well and, you know, obviously we wa... we want the search to go on really.

GMC pour le Correio da Manhã
CdM :  What did you come to do in Portugal?
GMC : I came exclusively to speak with my lawyers to define strategies and to analyse other possibilities to continue to search for Madeleine.CdM : Is this a short visit? Did you come alone?GMC : It's a short visit, but I'm counting on making others. I arrived this morning [yesterday] and I leave tomorrow morning [today]. I didn't come alone. I came with an English lawyer who has been working with Rogério Alves in the process.CdM : Do you plan to visit the Algarve, Praia da Luz?GMC : Maybe. I don't know, it's painful to think about that.CdM : Are you preparing anything for Madeleine's birthday, in May, which coincides with the two years of her disappearance?GMC : We are preparing many things, but I hope to find my daughter before that date arrives.CdM : Have you read the process yet?GMC : No. It's too long. There are approximately ten thousand pages. We are finishing the translation. I hope to read everything by February. Kate has also been helping with that analysis and she reads as it gets translated.CdM : What exactly are you looking for?GMC : We are going to analyse if in fact everything was done to find Madeleine. If the authorities acted correctly. And, more importantly, to find out if there is any lead that we can explore.